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NPH Conducts 10th Anniversary Annual Youth Leadership Conference

This January, Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH) conducted its 10th annual Youth Leadership Conference at the NPH Home in Honduras with funding provided by GPD. 6 Young NPH leaders from eight different countries gathered for a 10 day conference designed to provide them with tools that challenge these young adults coming from difficult circumstances to rise beyond the soft bigotry of low expectations to achieve their fullest potential.

One of the highlights of the Annual Conference has been the attendance of world-renowned Psychologist, Dr. Michael Maccoby who first studied the work of NPH Founder, Father William Wasson when he arrived in Mexico in 1964.  Dr. Maccoby met with NPH youth leaders and encouraged them to develop and strengthen their own personal philosophy of life. Dr. Maccoby has been a longtime supporter of NPH and its mission to provide comprehensive education, healthcare and spiritual formation vulnerable children living in extreme conditions.




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